
こんにちはみんな!       Today we begin to learn the first japanese alphabet: Hiragana. To not get  confused, I will divide our study into nine parts, it may seem difficult but with patience and dedication anyone can lear. If you are in doubt, please, ask me,  you can send comments or on our e-mail letslearnjapanesecontact@gmail.com ... (If you can't print the lessons, you can do in a notebook).


Hello! This first lesson is simple and easy, nothing in particular to explain, these are the letters in Hiragana and Romaji and stroke order of each, the PDF file has some exercises for you practice your Japanese writing and help you memorize the letters. Good study!
  • あ(a) 
  • い(i) 
  • う(u) 
  • え(e) 
  • お(o)  
  • や(ya) 
  • ゆ(yu) 
  • よ(yo)


  • あい (ai) - love
  • あお (ao) - blue
  • いいえ (iie) - not
  • よう (you) - way

Practice here: Hiragana_1


This is a little bigger and more complex than the previous lesson and  has two more things, then attention.
Dakuten: (or "ten-ten" colloquially form) is a signal is most often used in the kana syllabary which changes its pronunciation, in this case, 'k' becomes 'g' note:

  • か(ka)
  • き(ki)
  • く(ku)
  • け(ke)
  • こ(ko)
  • が(ga)
  • ぎ(gi)
  • ぐ(gu)
  • げ(ge)
  • ご(go)

the dakuten is written last, then the order of the strokes will always be this:

Now, remember the last three letters of the previous lesson? や(ya), ゆ(yu), よ(yo)? We will use now! If you join き (ki) with や (ya) is not "kiya", but "kya" and や is small: き ゃ (kya)

  • きゃ(kya)
  • きゅ(kyu)
  • きょ(kyo)
  • ぎゃ(gya)
  • ぎゅ(gyu)
  • ぎょ(gyo)
These are the words of this lesson, and the PDF file to practice. Good study!

  • きょか (kyoka) - permit
  • ごい (goi) - glossary
  • がく (gaku) - amount
  • きょう (kyou) - today

Practice here: Hiragana_2


Hello! ... 

  • さ(sa)
  • し(shi)
  • す(su)
  • せ(se)
  • そ(so)
  • しゃ(sha)
  • しゅ(shu)
  • しょ(sho)
  • ざ(za)
  • じ(ji)
  • ず(zu)
  • ぜ(ze)
  • ぞ(zo)
  • じゃ(ja)
  • じゅ(ju)
  • じょ(jo)

  • しょうじょ (shoujo) - girl
  • すし (shushi)
  • あし (ashi) - leg
  • あさ (asa) - morning

Practice here: Hiragana_3 


  • た(ta)
  • ち(chi)
  • つ(tsu)
  • て(te)
  • と(to)
  • だ(da)
  • ぢ(ji)
  • づ(zu)
  • で(de)
  • ど(do)
  • ちゃ(cha)
  • ちゅ(chu)
  • ちょ(cho)

  • しち (shichi) - seven
  • うさぎ (usagi) - rabbit
  • ちょう (chou) - butterfly
  • とし (toshi) - year

Practice here: Hiragana_4


Hi. This lesson is very simple, we don't use dakuten here, just や(ya), ゆ(yu), よ(yo).
  • な(na)
  • に(ni)
  • ぬ(nu)
  • ね(ne)
  • の(no)
  • にゃ(nya)
  • にゅ(nyu)
  • にょ(nyo)

  • おかね (okane) - money
  • なつ (natsu) - summer
  • さかな (sakana) - fish
  • おいし (oishi) - delicious

Practice here: Hiragana_5


Hello!... This is a little bigger than the previous (again lol).
Here already has a difference ふ is not written "hu" but "fu", but still pronounced "hu".
  • は(ha)
  • ひ(hi)
  • ふ(fu)
  • へ(he)
  • ほ(ho)
  • ひゃ(hya)
  • ひゅ(hyu)
  • ひょ(hyo)
Remember Dakuten? Modifying the pronunciation? Yes, it is also used in は but this time, it transforms "h" in "b", see:
  • ば(ba)
  • び(bi)
  • ぶ(bu)
  • べ(be)
  • ぼ(bo)
  • びゃ(bya)
  • びゅ(byu)
  • びょ(byo)
Also, one more thing. Besides Dakuten, in Japanese we also have the Handakuten, but I have good news, handakuten is used only in the letters with "h", so this is the only time you will see it!
Handakuten: ("maru" = "Circle" in colloquially form) is a diacritic used with the kana for swllables starting with "h" to indicate that they should be pronounced with "p", see:
  • ぱ(pa)
  • ぴ(pi)
  • ぷ(pu)
  • ぺ(pe)
  • ぽ(po)
  • ぴゃ(pya)
  • ぴゅ(pyu)
  • ぴょ(pyo)

It's very important don't stay with questions, be sure to ask. Here are the words (only two because this lesson is too long), don't forget to practice with the PDF file. Good study!

  • ひと (hito) - people
  • ちゃ (cha) - tea

Practice here: Hiragana_6


Hi! I have good new for you, from here the lessons are simple and easy. 
  • ま(ma)
  • み(mi)
  • む(mu)
  • め(me)
  • も(mo)
  • みゃ(mya)
  • みゅ(myu)
  • みょ(myo)
Just that, we don't use Dakuten. Very simple, no? But be sure to practice. Good study!

  • め (me) - eye
  • みみ (mimi) - ear
  • うま (uma) - horse

Practice here: Hiragana_7


Hello! Toda's lesson is like the previous, very simple, but if you have questions, feel free to ask, I'm here for that lol. 
  • ら(ra)
  • り(ri)
  • る(ru)
  • れ(re)
  • ろ(ro)
  • りゃ(rya)
  • りゅ(ryu)
  • りょ(ryo)

Well, these are the words of this lesson, I hope you enjoyed it, good study!

  • こころ (kokoro) - heart  
  • さくら (sakura) - Chery-tree  
  • よる (yoru) - night  
  • だれ (dare) - who

Practide here: Hiragana_8 


Hello!! Finally we are finishing our study of hiragana, these are the last letterss, after that, you will know the complete hiragana and some words in Japanese! Cool huh? I hope you are learning and enjoying the online Japanese course of nwbsS2. Now, let's finish this study! And... well... there are only three letters lol, very easy.

  • わ(wa)
  • ん(n)
  • を(wo)

Well, I think I have nothing to explain here, these letters don't use dakuten or handakuten... The next lesson I'll do a review of all hiragana and then a test to finally end this content.
Good study!

  • かわ (kawa) - river  
  • かわいい (kawaii) - cute  
  • なんで (nande) - why

Practice here: Hiragana_9 


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